This video exemplies a couple of the tactics of the left...
Why the Leftist Ideology Works Well in Sound Bytes
This exchange is a perfect example to me of why leftist thinking (if you can call it thinking) works so well in sound bytes and bumper stickers. Leftist critiques of society are ofter very superficial, and thus do not deal with or just plain ignore the underlying facts. Thus, on the surface, they seem to make sense and are appealing. The kid asking the question does not use any facts to make his argument, they are wall wild assertions that appeal to emotion.
Few of us have the grasp of history and economics that Friedman does to effectively counter their claims. Since it takes time to bring up facts and put them in a cogent argument to counter a sentence long sound byte, this leftist garbage often slips by without being countered. Friedman has both the knowledge and the time, since it is his speech, to counter that kook's claims. The time necessary to do this is rarely afforded "conservatives" by the mainstream media, which is one of the problems we have in expressing our message.
Leftist Tactic of Taking up the Speaker's Time
I loved the questioner's strategy of soaking up as much time as possible to ask his question. This is a tactic the left teaches to its foot soldiers to take time away from dissenting voices, in this case Friedman. The more time that idiot babbles, the less time Friedman, who probably was on a travel schedule, has to respond and air his views.
Comment on Comments
Aside from this, one of the comments caught my attention. I see this comment or variants of it all over the web when I am reading. I am willing to bet money that some leftist groups pays people to go into internet discussions and pose as someone on the right and post ractist commments about Obama to make the left look bad. What they are doing is obvious because the comments often have nothing to do with the flow of the rest of the discussion. Here is a screenshot of some of the comments on this video. I have highlighted the comment about which I am writing...
I know many people on the right, and not one of them would make such a comment. It is not constructive and it does nothing to further the argument for a free market. Given that, and knowing who the left is and how they operate, it is easy to discern that this comment was posted by a leftist. This illustrates how the left goes about smearing its opponents and the depths they are willing to plumb to do so. Stepping back, this falls under the broad category of using smears rather than argument to defeat one's opponent, a time tested tactic of the left.
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